Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

(no matter the little messages I sense floating around about me, sixth sense at work... new members of flocks often face hen pecking).
I don't think that's the case at all. There are often differing opinions, we all have different experiences and just try to share what we know or what has worked for us in similar situations. The vast majority of people here are supportive and kind. We don't all have to agree with everything everyone says in order to help. The more information someone has, that is asking for help, the more informed decisions they can make. I certainly am passing no judgement at all. Sincerely.
I don't think that's the case at all. There are often differing opinions, we all have different experiences and just try to share what we know or what has worked for us in similar situations. The vast majority of people here are supportive and kind. We don't all have to agree with everything everyone says in order to help. The more information someone has, that is asking for help, the more informed decisions they can make. I certainly am passing no judgement at all. Sincerely.
When there is direct negation of things one has advised, the obvious intent is not to offer an alternative but to dismiss the respondent in question. An ALTERNATIVE is expressed in the form of "Just as equally, you could have tried...." It does not negate or deny entirely the view of the other by using such lines as, "I would not do ... such and such." That is not an alternative. It is "I am right, he is wrong." No alternative exists in that equation. Or does my education ill elucidate me? And there's yet a genteel way to express a difference and on the other hand there isn't: Ricocheting around me applause to you, who applauded me anyway, while discounting me further reinforces the obvious intention of poster in question. Let's not dally around reframing the tone of poster. I think we all know what's going on. I'm not a first-timer rodeo cowboy rider. And Coach, no. Not directed at you. And yes a pecking order, like in all like places. It isn't the principle of communication, or how right one is--it all comes down to who knows who and can get them to dismiss or oppress whoever they would have dismissed or oppressed.
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Peter_Rabbit_Farm, take none of this on-board. You did great. My intention here is not to make you feel embarrassed or anything. I am glad I was so soon seeing your post. And look how well you have her looking already? :)

All the very best! She will be just fine.
Peter_Rabbit_Farm, take none of this on-board. You did great. My intention here is not to make you feel embarrassed or anything. I am glad I was so soon seeing your post. And look how well you have her looking already? :)

All the very best! She will be just fine.
She is not standing again, and does the wound look ok


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I just got 16 chicks from Meyers, they pecked on one's toes and it bled. I put the blue kote on it and they tried to peck again and didn't like the taste. That same chick still hides her feet though.
If you add water to what she eats, that is a good way to get fluids into her. I kept a hen alive once when she lost her balance for about 5 weeks, just putting water into her chicken feed, eat, and making everything watery. She refused to drink, but ate very well. Suddenly one day she could balance again, and just walked out of the coop.

Her head looks pretty good. Does she have any green bruising or swelling on her legs? Have we mentioned chicken sling chairs yet? Those are good for lame chickens to get them up. Yes, back in post 39, Coach 723 mentioned those with examples. Does she move her wings normally?
If you add water to what she eats, that is a good way to get fluids into her. I kept a hen alive once when she lost her balance for about 5 weeks, just putting water into her chicken feed, eat, and making everything watery. She refused to drink, but ate very well. Suddenly one day she could balance again, and just walked out of the coop.

Her head looks pretty good. Does she have any green bruising or swelling on her legs? Have we mentioned chicken sling chairs yet? Those are good for lame chickens to get them up. Yes, back in post 39, Coach 723 mentioned those with examples. Does she move her wings normally?
I don’t think there is bruising but I will take a picture for you and a video. I’ll make a sling tomorrow after work for her


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No puss, and no bad smell. She is also eating, but refuses to drink now
I agree, I'd try watery feed to get more fluids into and a sling for periods of time to get her upright.

She suffered head trauma, so she may be having some neurological difficulties. If she were mine, I'd give her 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily along with bits of egg for the uptake of E.

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