chickens hiding in coop


7 Years
Sep 26, 2016
i have two approx 24 week pullets..a barred rock and a new hampshire red housed with 4 younger girls about 14 weeks. the big girls ate getting heavier and red faces so i think ready to lay soon. all if a sudden they are all lurking around inside the coop in beautiful weather instead of being in run. what do people think?? olders thinking of laying and youngers just following?? its odd how much time they r suddenly insu
What's your weather like?
Have you had any predators lurking around?
it is just recently very hot..they do have shade in run after the first half of the day...but pretty sunny b4 that. we are loaded with coopers run is solidly roofed but still might get scared.
There are a few reasons yours are hanging about inside from what I am reading.

When it gets hot here all 32 head inside. All of them have solid shade available but prefer to go in.

The hawks can frighten the birds even if they don't see them. They can hear them. Mine all head in if anyone gives the "HAWK" alarm.

Your older ones could likely be thinking about making breakfast. Since they are flock animals the younger will likely go in to stay part of the group.

Just normal chicken stuff.

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