Chickens in Massachusetts


May 7, 2015
Western MA
New here from western MA. I grew up with chickens and starting last year I now have chickens of my own. Our flock has one Plymouth Rock rooster, 3 PR hens, 5 golden comets and 6 barred rocks that are 6 weeks old. We just introduced the new ones to the coop in a dog crate. Hopefully the transition goes well. Look forward the learning and sharing with everyone.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Yes, I always use the dog crate method. Keeping the newbies in the crate for a few weeks. Everybody sees, nobody touches. Usually after this time, the intro's aren't too awful aggressive.

Good luck mixing in your new birds and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sounds like you have a lovely flock. Those are some great breeds you have! You are using the right method with the dog crate. If you have any questions what so ever, feel free to ask any questions. We are happy to help! Good luck to you!

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