Chickens in the snow?

Mine just saw their first snow, about 3-4". They are NOT pleased! And I've got a bit of a problem, since their coop is basically dog kennel in size, used mainly for roosting at night and laying, the rest of the time they roam the backyard. Well, they took shelter from the evil white stuff on the back patio which has about 5' of roof coverage next to the house, and refuse to cross the lawn to get to food and shelter :|

Still not quite sure what I'll be doing about this, it's only october after all, so we can expect a good bit of snow up here.
Mine love to eat the snow, And don't seem to mind walking in a little bit of it. One winter, I had let them out to free range and we had quite a bit of snow. My husbands plows around the pond and in front of the barn and coop. Well one of my girls stayed out all night. I had looked everywhere for her and could not find her. I figured something got her, but there was not evidence of it. My brother came over the next morning and brought a hen in with him. He found her when he was driving up the drive, she was about a foot off the drive, all the way up to her head in snow. He brought her directly to me and she was surprisingly warm. I wrapped her in a towel and let her dry before putting her out with the others. but she was fine. No frostbite or anthing. It was so weird.
We got ~6 inches of snow a few weeks ago and the chickens didn't seem to mind it a bit. The scratched right through it to get to the good stuff below (bugs/mulch, etc). We now have ~18" on the ground and I haven't let the girls out of their covered run yet. I'll probably let them out this evening or certainly tomorrow afternoon to see if they'll venture out into the deep stuff...
Mine always go out in the snow. They will go and leave little chickie tracks all over lol

I dont let them out if its REALLY snowy tho... I worry too much. But if its just normal old snow, a few inches worth they all go out to play.
None of mine touched the snow last winter. They stayed in for months and just looked out the door.
Get a large stash of straw bales, and stack them up in a row for a wind break. Whenever you get some fresh snow, throw some down on the area you clear so they can walk around on the straw instead of in the snow. Toss out some scratch and you're all set.

When you get a thaw, rake up the wet muck and take it to the compost pile.
Mine, in their first snow. There was much gabbing about what it was or whether it was safe so I had to walk out and they followed. Then I spread some shavings, to many thanks. They like the platform outside the pop door, where they can gather to discuss if anyone is flying down to the straw bale. It seems to be the subject of much decision-making in the flock, but they do like to be out, so...


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