chickens killed by two dogs - GOOD NEWS

Amen! It just makes me sick to see how little some people care for their animals. A friend of mine recently "confiscated" a neighbor's dog who was being severely neglected after her local animal control refused to do anything.. Essentially told them to do something about it if they dared. Fortunately, the neighbor took the easy way out and officially gave her the dog. She's got moxy, that friend of mine. I'd be afraid of being shot!

If all else fails, are there enough disgruntled neighbors to get a petition going for the removal of those dogs?
I'm hoping for an option like that. The dogs are actually from over 10 miles away and I have never seen them before. I'd like to find a way to get in contact with the other people who's pets have been attacked by these dogs...take an ad out in the paper? I'm thinking of writing a letter to the editor showing my disgust for this so called 'legal system' and welcoming people to contact me.

It just bothers me so much that it is not these dogs faults! Neither are fixed. Of course they're going to roam and do what is fun!! The city ordinance clearly says that attacking domestic animals unprovoked is a violation, so how are the owners not being held responsible?!?! Ugh, I'm so frustrated.

Thank you for giving me a place to vent. Time to go cuddle Ruby.
I have a simple way to look at it. If it was a newborn in a crib and the dogs broke through the front screen door and killed it would people have a different opinion on putting the animal down. I have no use for neighbors free ranging dogs, they get more brazen the further they get from their home. I take no chances if it has no collar its considered a Coyote, if it has a collar and (freindly) I can catch it, it will be returned home once with a warning that even some coyoties have collars.
An update...

Animal control charged the owners with dogs at large. The city ordinance clearly states that an animal that attacks a domestic animal is a dangerous animal and will be euthanized. The humane society will not charge them with that - I don't know why. They seem to be afraid to make waves. The did release the names of the owners. We talked to them and asked them to pay for new chickens - $35 - and give their dogs away, either to friends/family or the shelter. We told them if they didn't want to do that, we would take further steps, which would most likely result in their dogs being put down. Our neighbors are all very upset about what happened and that there are aggressive dogs out in the neighborhood, since they have young children and/or grandchildren who play outside. We contacted our ward representative today and she says this sounds like a simple case of public safety. She is going to talk to the public safety council on Tuesday. If we don't get anywhere with the council, we are going to take a petition around to the people in the neighborhood to have the dogs rehomed. I'm feeling much more optimistic after speaking with our ward rep.

The great news is that Ruby is making a very impressive recovery!!!! Her limp is very much improved and she has her appetite back. I'm hoping this indian summer stays a little longer as we have chicks arriving in two weeks :) We are making improvements to our fence and are not going to give up!!
It's not about the money it's more about making the owner's responsible. Sometimes, a few hits to the pocketbook will mean more than other things. I would file a claim. You can usually say that your hens are worth about $20. There are several threads on here to back you up on that.

So sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry to hear you lost your girls, and glad that Ruby is recovering. You know, around here evidently people don't operate under all these types of laws. If there's an animal that wanders onto your property and does damage and gets caught by the property owner, the gun comes out and the animal disappears for good. Nothing is said to anyone. Hard lesson for the rogue animal's owner, but probably effective.
Another update:
We went to the city council meeting on Tuesday. Our ward rep brought up the situation at the end. Over half of the council members were very upset and interested in the situation. There were a lot of comments like, 'if these dogs had killed a dog, this wouldn't even be a conversation, what is the difference?' 'how many times do these dogs have to kill before something happens?' 'what happens next time the dogs are running in pack mode and there is a 2 year old child in the yard?'

The owners were charged with dogs at large, which is a misdemeanor here. They have a court date next week. The animal control director is meeting with the city attorney today. They are supposed to call me after the meeting and let me know if they decide to increase the charges.

If we don't feel that the owners or animal control are taking this seriously we are going to go to the next meeting in two weeks and bring some of our neighbors who have children and are upset about this situation.

I will keep you updated!

Oh, and Ruby's limp is almost gone. Hopefully her tail feathers will grow back soon :)
Thanks so much for keeping us updated. This just shows what happens when good people stand up for what's right. This political season people in general seem so cynical. This renews my faith that there ARE public servants who serve the public. Hope things continue on the right path and Ruby doesn't get too lonely. Blessings!

The animal control director just called. She met with the city attorney today. They have deemed the dogs dangerous animals. The owners must comply with the following:

-The dogs must be kept inside the house.
-If dogs are kept outside on their property at any time, they must be contained within a double fence. The fences must be 4 feet apart from eachother. (a kennel inside of a boundary fence)
-If they take the dogs for a walk, the dogs must be leashed and muzzled.

If they fail to comply by these restrictions at any time, the dogs will be removed from the home and euthanized or removed from the city.
She directed us to photograph them if we see them breaking any of these restrictions.

I am so glad we didn't give up!! I am extremely impressed with the city council here. The animal control officer did not want to take any action, but the city council was visibly disturbed after we went and spoke to them.

Ruby's tail feathers are coming in just fine. I did install a premier poultry fence yesterday and she got shocked a number of times. Since last night around 6pm she hasn't come out of the coop. Hopefully she will acclimate.

Our new babies will arrive Thursday or Friday :)

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