Chickens Losing Butt Feathers and Dropping Dead!!!!


10 Years
Aug 6, 2010
Ludowici, GA.
Have had 3 Chickens from 3 different pens drop dead within the last 7 days. Whatever is killing them seems to have something to do with them losing their feathers around their butts. All three that have died have lost the feathers around their butts and looked like they were having a hard time breathing. They get weak and then they die. One day they look ok and then a few days later they are dead. All the dead birds have been 8 month old pullets. I have started giving the rest of my Flock Duramycin 10. Hope this helps save the rest of them. Any help?????
Yes, and I do not see any. I have put Sevin Dust all over them and the pens. Noticed that their poop is bright yellow also.

Oh, this is from my account at work.
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Sounds like coccidiosis or something similar. Amprolium or sulfa type drug is used for this. Is their stool bloody at all?

Have you wormed them at all? Check their poop for worms or taken a fecal sample?

Are they congested or sneeezing at all?
Have not checked them for worms. I have started giving them Duramycin 10, is this type of antibiotic the same as an Amprolium? Can I worm them and give them antibiotics a the sametime? Are they sneezing? Yes, but not very much. Just every now and then.

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