Chickens not eating layer feed

I have two SLW, two ameraucanas, and four feral chickens. My chickens wouldn’t eat their layer feed and would rather forage. Their egg production was slow (2 eggs per day) so I decided to feed them some treat feed. When they had the treat feed, five of them (the rest of the gerald are too young) laid eggs everyday.
I couldn’t afford to give them treat feed everyday so I decided to mix some with their layer feed. They’ve been eating the layer feed a bit more but their egg production is down again to about 2-3 eggs per day. I noticed one of my ameraucanas looked skinnier... what could I look out for in an chicken to make sure they’re not going to die from not eating their layer feed? They went back to wanting to forage instead of eating the food I provided.
Originally, I was thinking that they’d eat the layer feed mixed with treats because there wasn’t anything else for them to eat. But if they rather starve and forage than eat their layer feed, I might as well just go back to feeding them 100% treat feed.
Maybe try a different brand?

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