Chickens not laying in the summer


Sep 10, 2017
Do chickens lay eggs less in the summer? My Plymoth Rock stopped laying eggs all of a sudden and she is just barely over a year old. Her behavior is the same as its been and she looks healthy.
Hot weather can cause hens to take a break from laying. Often it can be from them not consuming as much feed. Lots of folks add fruit and vegetables during summer which cuts daily protein. Birds eat less when hot too. Feeding a higher protein ration can help offset it all and keep hens laying.

Constant access to fresh clean water is important too. Birds will drink less amounts of warmer water when it's hot out, so changing waters twice a day can keep them drinking enough to keep on laying.
Having a similar problem... although probably more complex.
We have 11 laying hens (various breeds) and had one Buff Orp for the 11. We got another 14 chicks (all sexed female) but kept them separate in the brooding box. Fox came onto the farm in broad daylight and the roo did his job. :( We didn't lose a single he but lost him a day later to internal injuries. So knowing that there was a nearby predator, we immediately sought out another roo. Decided that two would probably be better since at that point the "chicks" were almost 3 months old. They had already been getting acquainted with the flock through fence before the roo was killed and we we're setting up to merge both flocks fully. We decided to do it all at once...two new roosters and the 14 young ones all mixed with our 11 hens. We kept them in the run for a few days all together, but no real chaos. However, it's almost a month later and our egg production just seems to be dropping continuously. It used to be 9-11 per day, now we are lucky for 6. Feed is the same. They get extra protein. Plenty of fresh water. Free ranging on 5 acres. But...
...we can't seem to get the "chicks" to want to come out of the run;
...both roos stick with the 11 hens and I'm worried that they are just getting too frisky with the ladies;
...egg production is sad.

Any thoughts anyone? Just stress of all this change and they will find a balance?
Thanks Rob Tof. I definitely don't think that they like the increase to 2 roos, especially while we wait for the "chicks" to fully mature. Any suggestions for getting those 14 young girls to venture out of the run?...short of forcing them (they panic and fly into my garden and then I end up chasing them around like a crazy lady).
Do chickens lay eggs less in the summer? My Plymoth Rock stopped laying eggs all of a sudden and she is just barely over a year old. Her behavior is the same as its been and she looks healthy.

Isn't a Plymouth Rock a Heritage breed? So called heritage breeds are named that because back when these chickens were first developed or became well known the average hen only laid about 7 dozen or 84 eggs a year, and this was only over a short time span during the normal or customary breeding season. Not taking into account time lost from sitting, brooding chicks, or molting most heritage breeds today will still reliability produce 150-200 eggs per year or 4 eggs per week.
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