Chickens not molting.


14 Years
Apr 26, 2010
So heres the scoop, I have 2 indoor chickens. I have had indoor chickens for more than 10 years. My rooster turns 11 in March and his hen turns 2 in May. They are NOT MOLTING, and I have never had this problem. I know light affects when they molt but that has never been a problem for me.

My rooster and my last hen melted at the start of October reliably for 4 or 5 years. No change in diet, no change in light. No change in routine. Last year shortly after we got the new hen they both melted. Right on schedual.

This year nothing, my budgie molted already, so I figured the chickens would be right behind him. Nada! And they are so ratty looking, anything I can do to help encourage them to molt. Any ideas?
I'm not super worried just a little concerned, usually mine drop tail feathers first. And like I said they are indoor birds, they live in the house and I handle them multiple times a day. I notice when they start dropping feathers, usually they drop tail and wing feathers first. Then everything else starts popping off.
Isn't "looking ratty" a sign of molting? Mine look ratty when they molt.

It is but they arent losing the feathers, the feathers are breaking off but not falling out. Someone pointed out that the rooster is old, 10, he may not be molting simply because hes really old. The hen should be molting though.
It is but they arent losing the feathers, the feathers are breaking off but not falling out. Someone pointed out that the rooster is old, 10, he may not be molting simply because hes really old. The hen should be molting though.
Oh. Well, I don't know then. Either way, i don't imagine there is much you can do about it except continue to care for them the best you can. Chickens do what chickens do.

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