Chickens not using poultry nipples


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 25, 2012
Toney, AL
I made a waterer from a 5gal bucket and 5 nipples back on saturday and they still haven't figured out how to use it, they still only want to use their old chick starter water that goes dry in less than a day for them. Don't know what to do to get them to use it, any ideas?? Need to get them used to nipples before the coop is finished since it will have a water tank built into it. With the 10 3mo old birds I have they are going through about 2-3 times the amount of water that their old waterer can hold.
I just bought, and introduced, some chicken waterers from these people yesterday (is when I finally got them drinking - it took a day).

Here is their troubleshooting info on their site - I used their info to help me get my chicks (4.5w old) to drink.

More than anything I think what worked was one was brave enough to go up to the "water monster" and try drinking out of it, the others saw that it was OK and then everything was fine from there.
I agree with Perry, once one tries it they all will be over there I had mine set up for only 5 or so minutes and just tapped it a few times and once my RIR saw water falling she went right to it and four more followed right after her to check out the "new thing". I had one Cuckoo Maran that took an hour or so to catch on but she did. Dont be surprised if you let them free-range that they run right to the nearest mud puddle or other nasty water source and drink like they have been living in a desert. They are just being chickens. Keep the nipples at a height that the chicken has to reach up to drink, it is easier for them. As hard as it is someone on this forum told me to make sure the old waterer is out of the coop/run and they will figure it out. Good Luck
I looked at the first link shortly after you posted it Perry and it still took them a while after I painted the bottom of the bucket white and the bodies of the nipples red, but they finally caught on. Nice setup Hawgon, doing something similar in my chicken coop so that I can keep them inside of it instead of free-ranging if I have to leave for a while. Right now I'm just waiting to find an affordable 1/8" NPT tap for the PVC pipe, Fastenal wants $20 for theirs :(

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