Chickens not using roost bars ?


5 Years
Apr 9, 2019
Northern Indiana
My coop is 8' L x 4' W x 2' H and is elevated 2' off the ground. I have two 4' roost bars which are 2x3's wide side up. Our 6 chickens (12 to 14 weeks) sleep on the open floor on the other end of the coop. The roost bars are only about 3" to 4" off the floor and I have seen them sit on them from time to time, but most nights the are all sitting together on the floor. I was just going to remove the two bars and just give them the whole open floor space. Should I give it more time ? No big deal ? Any advice ? -Thanks
My coop is 8' L x 4' W x 2' H and is elevated 2' off the ground. I have two 4' roost bars which are 2x3's wide side up.
2' high is not conducive to putting roosts higher(which they might appreciate and use) or for ventilation in winter.
Pics of coop, inside and out, might help garner viable suggestions/solutions.
I call them playing on the roosts during the day perching. They like to play on high things. 3" to 4" off the top of the coop floor isn't much but it should be noticeable to them. Roosting is when they sleep on the roosts. You are correct to separate perching from roosting, two different things.

My brooder raised chicks don't all start roosting at a certain age. I've had some broods start as early as 5-1/2 weeks. Most of mine start around 10 to 12 weeks, but I have had some go several weeks longer. Having adults around changes this timeline dramatically but you don't have any adults. I think how the coop and roosts are set up influences how early they roost. That includes height, access to them, even where your windows are. We are all unique. If they are Silkies, some never roost and enjoy sleeping on the floor. There could be a lot of different factors.

I personally do not worry about where they sleep or when they start roosting as long as they are not sleeping in nests. If they sleep in nests I have an issue. Otherwise they will work it out in their own time and in their own way.
I had a coop very similar to this, except it was longer than wide. And it was closer to 3 feet tall, maybe 4 feet at the peak. It was basically a nightmare. Very difficult to catch birds, very difficult to clean, and often times they would not use the nest box, but rather that far corner where it was nearly impossible for me to reach.

The real reason you want them to roost, is so that the poop falls away from the bird during the night. They poop an amazing amount at night, and if they are squatting in it, it makes for dirty feathers, dirty eggs, and even skin irritation.

It sounds like you are handy, on one side, enclose the bottom walls, and cut the floor out. They can roost on that side, the other side can be used for nests.

If your daughter continues to enjoy this hobby, well this would make a perfect brooder or second coop, and yes, it is a bit scary how many of us have that second coop.

Mrs K
my only suggestion would be raise the bars at least 12-18" .. see if that tempts them. I wouldn't worry too much if they aren't using it yet... but it may be low enough that they do'nt recognize it as a roost. When I put my original chicks out in their coop, I had to go after dark for a week or so to put them out of the nest boxes onto the roost.
Also, they free range over two acres all day and are only in the coop at night to sleep.
What will they do in winter when there's a foot of snow on the ground?

Low roofs/short coops have a number of issues.
Good ventilation should be well above their heads.
Such a low metal roof may have condensation issues in winter too.
Frostbite may more of an issue than with a higher roof.
Roosts lower than, or at same level as, nests will probably get you nest sleepers(poopers).

Now they may be fine in there, but just be aware of the possible problems.
Here's the pictures of my coop inside and out. The OSB panel seen to the back is
blocking off the nest boxes until they are ready to lay.

View attachment 1830375 View attachment 1830374 View attachment 1830385
It's a beautiful coop, while I am not a chicken, I'm claustrophobic just looking at it. As short as it is, and as low as the roosts are, the chickens are probably thinking, "why bother" any way you could add another 2' H onto that? I didn't see nestboxes, when you add them, you will probably end up with them sleeping in them. My TSC coop has little roosts like that, I'd go out at night and find my chicken that was in there sleeping between them. This is what they have now. The first rung starts at 15" off the floor, when we put them in, I had to go out and move them out of the nestboxes and up on the roost, I had to block off the boxes after they were done laying to convince them that the roost was where they belonged.
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Ya , it looks cramped but they all huddle together at one end leaving over 3/4 of the space open. The nest boxes are right behind the OSB board in the back of the coop. They're block off till they start to lay. There is a 3" 1X on end at the bottom of the boxes. Built the coop for my daughter, just tried to make it simple and utilitarian.

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