Chicken's Odd Behavior


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 10, 2013
I have 3 Buff Orpington chickens. 19 weeks old. Recently, my girl Sunny has started making a sorta hole/nest. She sits down and starts kicking. My late rooster did the exact same thing. Of course, he did started crowing before this. She has not crowed... yet. The other chickens seem to hover around her. They duck away from me when I reach down to pet them. (They are usually friendly, family chickens.) The combs are turning bright red, and their faces are turning red. I want to know if they are going to lay eggs soon or not.
Of course, being me, I just worry about my first "flock" of chickens. PS They seem to like crushed oyster shells.

Can you help me?
Sounds almost like she is dust bathing. Kicking in the dirt, flapping wings, etc. This is a chickens natural way of getting cool on a hot day. It also helps keep bugs away and stay clean.

Here are a couple signs of a hen at the point of lay:
-Red comb/wattles/earlobes.
-Squatting when you approach her. (If you have a rooster, she will likely not do this for you.)

Good Luck!
I agree with sunny.

Also, it could be that when she is scratching to make her dust bath, that the others gather around hoping that she will dig up a bug or worm.

I sometimes find mine lying half on their side in a little dust hole, so totally relaxed that at first they look dead. :p
I sometimes find mine lying half on their side in a little dust hole, so totally relaxed that at first they look dead.

Me too - I've had to throw a small stick near them to see if they were indeed still alive, the cheeky beggars.

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