Chicken's reactions are slow and shes getting thin! please help!

Skyler vaughan

Sep 15, 2019
Recently we had to get the flock in because of bird flu and they're inside, i noticed my only silky is looking very poorly and isn't eating a lot. At first I thought it was bird flu because we're looking out for that the most but she doesn't have a swollen head. Yesterday I went to pick her up and she didn't react, usually she panics, and I noticed she was pecking around for food but isn't eating the chicken feed or snacks (right now we have a lot of kale and cabbage left over from summer's crop) so I gave her a drink and she swallowed but wasn't interested. Her crop is a bit beaten up and is getting crusty, and my other girls are molting so It could be that, except they're not acting in that way, just loosing feathers. Does anyone know what this could be and how I can help her?
What is you location? How close is the bird flu to where you live? What direction from you is it? If you are downwind of bird flu cases, then you can expect to see it in your flock.

Please tell us what crusty crop means.

Isolate this sick bird. Bring her in. Give her a little water with sugar in it. Provide a bit of heat and her regular food and watch her. Report back here, on this thread, not a new one, what she symptoms are. We'll try to help.

Just found out it could be ear mites! I'm going to worm her and treat her with mite drops, I noticed her head was shaking a bit today so I did research just now and found out it could be a possibility. So glad she's not showing signs of bird flu because I really don't want to cull my flock :(

If you want updates I'll tell you how it goes.
By all means, update your thread. You may not know this but, these threads come up in seaches people do when they are looking for chicken information. They may see your thread and read all the way through it. Some folks don't bother to update or tell how things turned out, and it's like reading a story without an ending. It can really leave you hanging. A thread that has been updated and concluded, is a valuable resource for thousands of people.

Very sorry I've been super busy on the farm. Unfortunately I was too late to the diagnoses, I treated her with mite drops because she wasn't laying and a couple hours later I found her dead :( I spoke to a vet and they said it was most likely ear mites, as well as crop issues. The fluff around her ears made her more prone to them so she must have had them for a while, but if you see a hen shaking her head a lot and itching/ fidgeting, not being able to stand or weak behavior, it wouldn't hurt to treat her with mites as long as you're prepared to throw away some eggs (depending on what product you use).

For crop issues I used water wormer, which you measure in one batch and feed to her manually (if shes not drinking). I used flubenvet, if you don't have this you can use apple cider vinegar (with the mother) in her water, as well as other natural wormers.

Very sorry for the disappointing ending, I really had hope in her.
What is you location? How close is the bird flu to where you live? What direction from you is it? If you are downwind of bird flu cases, then you can expect to see it in your flock.

Please tell us what crusty crop means.

Isolate this sick bird. Bring her in. Give her a little water with sugar in it. Provide a bit of heat and her regular food and watch her. Report back here, on this thread, not a new one, what she symptoms are. We'll try to help.
What is you location? How close is the bird flu to where you live? What direction from you is it? If you are downwind of bird flu cases, then you can expect to see it in your flock.

Please tell us what crusty crop means.

Isolate this sick bird. Bring her in. Give her a little water with sugar in it. Provide a bit of heat and her regular food and watch her. Report back here, on this thread, not a new one, what she symptoms are. We'll try to help.
I live in surrey, down south and bird flu has only just reached close to us. No other farmers around our area have had any reported cases so far, and I'm not sure if we are downind from it.
Her crop just looks a bit beat up and the skin is a little dry, usually my sick hens show theyre ill if their crops look a bit sad.
Today she started to eat and peck, drink water too. But she still is very slow and a bit weak on her feet. I'll isolate her now and get back to you soon.
By all means, update your thread. You may not know this but, these threads come up in seaches people do when they are looking for chicken information. They may see your thread and read all the way through it. Some folks don't bother to update or tell how things turned out, and it's like reading a story without an ending. It can really leave you hanging. A thread that has been updated and concluded, is a valuable resource for thousands of people.

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