Chickens Spitting Up Water

jesus freak

8 Years
Aug 20, 2011
I went out and gave my chickens some water and while they were drinking I picked one up and it started to spit out water, so I picked up another one and the same thing happened. Does anyone know what this is. Thanks
agreed it is normal you have just squashed their crop as you picked her up and pushed some of the recently drunk water up. Scared me the first time it happened to me
At my house, it started with
1 and now there's about 6 who are coughing. It sounds like a bark. Even as they are roosting at night they are coughing and hacking up water. They don't really seem to feel bad. First I thought one might be chocking or that they needed some gravel to help grind up their food. NOW 6 though.. What gives?
It is possible that you may have put pressure on the crop after they have drank water but more likely they probably need to be dewormed. Wazine is good for this put a capful in a gallon of water for two days and repeat once every month. You should worm them every 30 days. Good luck with your chickens, have a blessed day.

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