Chickens staging a sit in , not liking renovations…


Sep 22, 2023
North Central Florida
We added a wing onto our HillBilly Condo Coop. Extended out 12’x20’ mostly enclosed , got a partial roof on it , and opened the wire devider to the older coop so the ladies can access the whole area.
Went out last night to close up the doors, and the was not one feathered butt in the old or new area. They all , 28 of them, were in the barn , on or around the store bought coops we use for the new chicks. The other wing of the old coop we didn’t open up still had all the regular residents in it as normal.
Not sure if I should put the devider back up , or pick up the chickens after they are roosting and put them in the new coop.
Ungrateful Little wenches.

There’s a few in there this morning, scratching around like nothing happened.
Plan on finishing the roof next weekend when I get back home, maybe that’ll make em happy.
Chickens hate change. HATE it. You need to give them time to acclimate. Toss some goodies out into the new area to entice them to go out there.
We put a trough of dry feed out there, and SO put mash in there from their morning feeding, that’s why the few are in there now.
Usually, and even while doing our modifications , they enjoy checking out new places, especially new nesting boxes.

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