chickens stepping on eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 1, 2014
I have two nest boxes and four hens. Every week, several eggs are smashed in the nest boxes. Do they need more room, or what? I give them oyster shell and pine shavings in the boxes.
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I only have two nest boxes for 6 hens and they typically all use one box - or even the space next to the box. When I had broody hens recently, I would sometimes see up to three hens in one box at a time and I had very few cracked eggs. So more boxes may help but it may not. The roll-away boxes seem like a great solution but your hens may need more calcium as well. Are you feeding them layer pellets as well as offering oyster shell free-choice?
Are you feeding them layer pellets as well as offering oyster shell free-choice?
This is excellent advise do not get me wrong. That being said their are times when chickens (especially with advancing age) there is no cure for thin shelled eggs is my experience. That can happen anytime after their second birthday.
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This is excellent advise do not get me wrong. That being said their are times when chickens (especially with advancing age) there is no cure for thin shelled eggs is my experience. That can happen anytime after their second birthday.

Agreed - it may be more helpful to consider employing the use of a "roll-out" style nest box or other rigging that will make the egg move away from the bird post-lay so that the stepping issue is not such an issue. However, if the shells are thin you will want to employ good padding to prevent breakage courtesy of the rolling out process.
I have two nest boxes and four hens. Every week, several eggs are smashed in the nest boxes. Do they need more room, or what? I give them oyster shell and pine shavings in the boxes.

How big are your nests and how deep are the pine shavings......are the eggs hitting the hard bottom of the nest?
Are the shells left behind? Are the shells thin?
I use straw in the nests as it forms a mat that is harder for them to dig thru keeping the hard bottom of the nest cushioned.

I discovered today I have an egg eater, found two nests fouled with egg white and yolk, found egg white on the roost sign of shells anywhere they ate them up.
Upped the level of their oyster and crushed chicken egg shell container.

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