Chickens stopped laying during first winter


In the Brooder
May 24, 2023
Hey yall, my 2 black australorp hens were acquired in June 2023 at 6 weeks and started laying in September. They laid beautifully for the first couple of months about an egg a day from each (even though the eggs are quite small) but they just recently (10ish) days ago stopped laying completely. It had slowed down during November to about an egg every other day but now has completely stopped. I know they do this in winter due to shorter days and molting but I was told that a hen will lay during its first winter still and that it won’t molt til spring? I am finding an increasing amount of feathers all throughout their coop. Could they be molting? Is this why we aren’t getting any eggs? Or could I have too much tarp blocking the little “sunlight” that we’ve been getting?
Some pullets will stop laying and/or have a small molt their first fall/winter.
They won't have a full adult annual molt(and also stop laying) until their second fall/winter.
I have had the same issue with two of my Ameraucas. This is my first time raising chickens, so keep this in mind. I read this can happen when their coop is dirty. I don't think this is my issue because I have one leghorn that is still laying...also I regularly clean their coop and have swapped out the hay/wood chips when they looked bad but usually I scoop poop and sprinkle DE. I am going to try a deep clean this afternoon to see if this helps. I also read that sometimes hens need more protein in their diet so I bought higher protein feed to see if this helps. Good luck and let us know if you find an answer!
My green egg layers have done a mass strike and aren't laying. Three are 3 yrs old and two are not quite a year old. They all stopped suddenly. None are molting. Odd it is just the green ones no matter their age. They will start a union soon I imagine.

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