chickens won't come out of coop

strange... when i let my chickens out for the first time they ran right out and started eating the bugs and enjoying freedom. however they were in the coop for several days before i let them out. i would just shut the coop for 5-7 days and then let them out. this is all new to them
Well after we had to carry them back into the coop on Sunday night, we kept them cooped up Monday and Tuesday. We let them out this morning and they went out on their own. Tonight, they all managed to make it back into the coop. The little one went in first and was calling to the others to come in. One of them seemed to have trouble figuring out the ramp, but finally made it. So they are all up on the roosts and sleeping. I think we have gotten past the coop issues. Now if I can just get them to eat yummy treats like watermelon and cantaloupe seeds and all the things that my other chickens have liked. I'll keep offering them and see what happens.
I just got 8 half grown chickens yesterday. We kept them in a large dog crate during the day and at dark last night we put them into the coop so they would know their sleeping place. This morning we were able to get three of them to come out but the others are wandering around in there and won't come out. I don't want to scare them to much to get them out because I'm afraid they won't go back in. the water and feed is on the outside. We have put a small waterer in there and tried to tempt them out with treats but they are not buying it. We had our other chickens from babies and so they knew us and came to get treats so it was no problem when we put them in the coop. I'm hoping they will come out soon.
I'm going through the same thing right now..I got a few half grown pullets(2 cockerels),and a hen.. The hen is doing just fine,but the babies spend the majority of the time in the coop,ive only managed to get 2 outside,and that was only when the hen was out there too..

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