chickens won't come out of coop


11 Years
May 25, 2008
Covington, GA
I just got 8 half grown chickens yesterday. We kept them in a large dog crate during the day and at dark last night we put them into the coop so they would know their sleeping place. This morning we were able to get three of them to come out but the others are wandering around in there and won't come out. I don't want to scare them to much to get them out because I'm afraid they won't go back in. the water and feed is on the outside. We have put a small waterer in there and tried to tempt them out with treats but they are not buying it. We had our other chickens from babies and so they knew us and came to get treats so it was no problem when we put them in the coop. I'm hoping they will come out soon.
I kept my chicks in the coop, day and night, for about 5 days to imprint the coop as their home. Then I opened the door and let them come out at their own speed. If some are coming out, the others will also soon. Chickens are cautious and curious, some more one than the other.
Ok. I'll relax. Making a line of feed was my next plan. I may do that. They don't seem to be drinking anything. But I don't know what's happening when we are not out there. We took the treat so they would begin to associate good things to eat with us coming to visit.
I just put the treats on the ground and called them out. But that was through the big door, not the pop door. As soon as I finish the ramp today, we'll try getting them out that way.
They will come around...when I first let my girls out of the run to free range, (my coop and run are connected) we had our cattle in the area they would have to pass through...the cattle were moved to summer pasture, and immediately they took off and loved it.

Yours will come around, let them relax and get their bearings...they will venture out on their own soon enough!
Well, they finally all made it out by middle of the afternoon. They are still pretty skiddish of us, but they will get used to us after a while. Now, I believe they have all gone back in. They don't seem to quite all understand the roosts yet but they will get it. The littlest one was the one I was worried about making it back up into the coop, and he was the first one to march right in. It sits about 2 1/2 feet off the ground so they have to go up a ramp. So far so good. I'll post some pictures tomorrow.
Now we have the opposite problem. They won't go back in the coop at night, except for the little one. She/he is probably about 6-7 weeks old. The rest appear to be more like 12 to 14 weeks old. The little one is the smartest of the bunch. They were all piled up the corner of the pen tonight, so my dh picked them up one by one and put them back in the coop. I think we are going to leave them in there a couple of days to reinforce that it is their home. Hopefully after that they will go in at night.

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