Chickens wont go into Coop


9 Years
Apr 1, 2013
San Diego
We got chickens about two months ago and we moved them about 3 weeks ago from a small box to a large house to live/sleep in. For some reason they won't go into the large house at night, and sometimes they wait for us to shoo them in. Usually they get in, and we keep a light on for a bit just so they know where to go, but if they don't make it in by dark, they simply start sleeping in a huddle outside (we have skunks that try and get them). None of them are particularly aggressive or on top of the pecking order, so we were thinking of maybe getting some Reds that might take initiative. Idk, Im stumped...
I used to have that problem. It's easy to fix. Shut them up in the coop for 4-5 days. They will be forced to sleep there and will get in the habit. Then you can let them out and they most likely will return to the coop at night
Good luck!:thumbsup
I used to have that problem. It's easy to fix. Shut them up in the coop for 4-5 days. They will be forced to sleep there and will get in the habit. Then you can let them out and they most likely will return to the coop at night
Good luck!:thumbsup

I'll Definitely try that! Thank you so much!
I had the same problem tonight it was there first day in the run. They have bin in the coop for about two weeks trying to teach them that's where they sleep i go out tonight and there all huddles in the corner and they were really hard to get back up the ramp and in. Any ideas y they didn't go in on their own i have a light a well thanks

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