Chickens, worms, and paranoia


9 Years
Feb 28, 2013
Hey guys! I've been a member for many years but still haven't gotten my chickens yet. I finally feel like I'm ready to start my first flock of chickens.

But just yesterday I learned that chicken's worms can get inside the eggs! Not to mention my fear of worm eggs being on the outside of the chicken eggs.

I also learned they can get them from eating bugs, worms, and other wild birds' poop. Suddenly, I feel like I never want to let them free range, and I need to cover their run so other birds can't poop near them, and I'll be examining every turd for white hairs.

I'm very easily persuaded lol, so are there any reassuring words someone could say to make me comfortable with my dream of chickens again? Like, is it common? Will washing and cooking the eggs make them safe, Heaven forbid there are worms? I'm just so scared I'll be feeding tapeworm to my family and friends.

Thank you in advance!
You worm them on a schedule and you won't have the problem.
Thank you! I didn't realize you could worm them regularly. What a relief! Is this a natural dewormer? I read after deworming them you can't eat the eggs for a while?
Thank you! I didn't realize you could worm them regularly. What a relief! Is this a natural dewormer? I read after deworming them you can't eat the eggs for a while?

'Natural' methods don't apparently work. I just went through asking all of those questions, mostly because I've decided on my schedule for worming. What I ended up with was a liquid wormer that goes in the water, and yes, I threw out all the eggs from the last week and a half. Well, Actually, I ended up boiling two dozen and feeding them back to them instead of wasting them. As I understand it, you *can* eat them, but you could get a reaction from the meds when/if they appear in the eggs. Better to chuck them than take the change, in my opinion.

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