Chickenstock fiesta yardsale August 21

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Blue laced red wyandotte.
I have some modern game bantam cockerells for sale, i will be listing them on craigslist so if any one wants any let me know.
I have a couple questions...

Are we only allowed to bring vaccinated chickens to the swaps?

When you say they need to be *tested* does that include babies? I am not clear on the whole testing requirements. I have a few babies that I may need to pass along as they are roos and they were born the first week in May.

Will the swaps be monthly like last year? We were ony able to make it to one last year and are hoping to make it to more...
They dont need to be vaccinated, offspring that is under 12 months of age do not need to be tested as long as teh parents have been tested, if you have a health certicate you are good.

oh and yep they will be once a month up to fall.
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Got the incubator just now!!
So we ready for eggs! And lots of different breeds too
. Like i said before, BLRW, RIR, NHR, Black Minorca, and other breeds. We are gonna have fun with this so if you have eggs, let me know what they are (only purebreds though)!
Also, anyone bringing pullets or young adult hens?
Sister is looking to buy a Golden or Chinese Pheasant breeding pair, but will take only one if that's what there is.
Finally, we might be bringing a fine Broken chestnut Mini Lop buck if we don't sell him this weekend.
Okay I feel like I'm spamming so this my last advertising/want ad
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Hi, I have my flock tested every three months bc I live CT and I am NPIP. It is really up to you if you need to test. In order to sell birds out of state, through USPS, or enter a show your birds must or should be tested. On the other hand its nice to know if you are consuming your eggs or birds they are free of salmonella
hope this helps and I'm sure someone can further this discussion or comment.


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