Chicks and personality


In the Brooder
May 22, 2024
I am fairly new to raising chickens. My first batch i have 2 Rhode island reds, and a black sex link that all 3 are about 5 weeks old now. My second batch are americana(4weeks old), and these guys are sooooo different from my first group. My first are so sweet, and docile. They greet me, aren't destructive. Just all around great first time chicks. My second batch? I swear they are doing drugs in their brooder when I'm not looking. They destroy their brooder, more than I would imagine any chicks could. They hear me, and they run like I'm trying to eat them. They seem to have far more energy, and just dont want human contact unless I have treats. Tonight for example, I go out to check on them. They have completely eaten the puppy pad under their bedding. They have fresh food and water 24/7. They get taken outside to roam a few hours a day.

Is it horrible, I'm tempted to rehome the second group and get more RiRs, and BSL? Am I just missing something with the americanas? Are they normally wild? I have friends who have farms that they can go to and live happy lives. I was under the impression when I got them that they would be similar to my first group of girls. I also read they would do fine in a run, but now I'm questioning that as well. I want them to be happy and healthy.
None of mine were overly friendly as chicks, I have 3 Orpingtons, 3 Easter eggers, and 2 Marans. My first group was Orpingtons and Easter eggers, and I don’t think they liked me until they were laying. Now they follow me everywhere and will let me pick them up, besides the Easter egger- but she’s even getting nicer as she’s approaching her first birthday.

My second set with 2 marans and 2 Easter eggers- one marans and one Easter egger are friendly and the other 2 chicks run and hide. I’m hoping they repeat and are even nicer as laying hens.

I do think Americaunas are flightier hens that are good foragers and good at avoiding predators. I think it will be good to have a mix of personalities, personally.

I’d rehome the ones you don’t connect with when they are laying hens, personally.
Rehome them if you wanna, but i would give them a chance first. They could mellow out as they get older or otherwise show their worth. Sure, they can be a little flighty but the americanas i've had the pleasure of meeting were polite flock members and having a slightly flighty bird isn't a bad thing, they're just extra vigellant. Hens shouldn't be too much trouble to rehome, especially hens that lay colorful eggs so if you don't end up liking them you shouldn't be stuck with them
The bird in my profile pic Sage, was an absolubtely gorgeous silver americana (easter egger). Sure, she was extremly skittish, but she never failed to make me laugh as she had an eternally grumpy expression with a very pretty high pitched voice that always sounded annoyed and while she never let me pet her, she had a lovely temperment and was affectionate in her own way (she hung out near me and was just as happy to see me as the rest). She sadly passed from fowl pox, but i would 100% get them again even if i wind up with a skittish bird again. The only reason I didn't get those particular americanas is 'cause i got my chicks from a hatchery rather than a feed store this year. Of course i'm an aloof person who doesn't like physical affection so maybe I just related to Sage heheh
Rehome them if you wanna, but i would give them a chance first. They could mellow out as they get older or otherwise show their worth. Sure, they can be a little flighty but the americanas i've had the pleasure of meeting were polite flock members and having a slightly flighty bird isn't a bad thing, they're just extra vigellant. Hens shouldn't be too much trouble to rehome, especially hens that lay colorful eggs so if you don't end up liking them you shouldn't be stuck with them
The bird in my profile pic Sage, was an absolubtely gorgeous silver americana (easter egger). Sure, she was extremly skittish, but she never failed to make me laugh as she had an eternally grumpy expression with a very pretty high pitched voice that always sounded annoyed and while she never let me pet her, she had a lovely temperment and was affectionate in her own way (she hung out near me and was just as happy to see me as the rest). She sadly passed from fowl pox, but i would 100% get them again even if i wind up with a skittish bird again. The only reason I didn't get those particular americanas is 'cause i got my chicks from a hatchery rather than a feed store this year. Of course i'm an aloof person who doesn't like physical affection so maybe I just related to Sage heheh
I think I more or less want birds that will be happy to see me and know I mean good things like protection. I don't think flighty is a bad thing, but I also dont want them to be unhappy confined in a run. It's 10x13 and I have 7 birds. I'll keep them for now and see if they change at all. I try to go out and hold them, and love on them. My first group of girls will scream for me bc they want affection lol. Then once I pick them up and they are all cuddled in under my hair and behind my neck they will start purring and doing their soft coos. I just really enjoy having animals that enjoy being in my company. So to see how wild the second bunch is, it's just crazy to me. They run up to me when they know I am filling food and water and have snacks, but otherwise could careless if I exist.
I think I more or less want birds that will be happy to see me and know I mean good things like protection. I don't think flighty is a bad thing, but I also dont want them to be unhappy confined in a run. It's 10x13 and I have 7 birds. I'll keep them for now and see if they change at all. I try to go out and hold them, and love on them. My first group of girls will scream for me bc they want affection lol. Then once I pick them up and they are all cuddled in under my hair and behind my neck they will start purring and doing their soft coos. I just really enjoy having animals that enjoy being in my company. So to see how wild the second bunch is, it's just crazy to me. They run up to me when they know I am filling food and water and have snacks, but otherwise could care less if I exist.
I really think that’s special and unusual at that age. I’m not sure you’d be able to repeat it.
I really think that’s special and unusual at that age. I’m not sure you’d be able to repeat it.
My husband, and family even from a young age, have always told me I have a way with animals that no one has ever seen lol. I just have a great respect for all critters, big and small. I've been able to pet some of the most territorial/aggressive dogs, and keep a healthy respectful boundary with them. I have a mini schnauzer, his natural instinct is to chase, but I can call him off of anything no matter how tempting that chase is.

I was worried with my first batch of girls that they wouldn't be really cuddly being rhode island reds and black sex link. However, I've some how become mother, and even at just 5weeks old. They know which door I come in and out of and will scream for me to come sit with them lol. It is bizarre.

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