chicks and poultry

Yes, I have Khaki Cambell and mixed breeding ducklings. I don't know what is going on with the link, it should work.
How much is the shipping and what guarantee? Do you have Cornish cross? Also BR, AMERICAUNA, SL, GL, PARTRIDGE ROCK? VAN WE ORDER PULLETS FOR MORE MONEY? THANKS RETA
Right now I don't have a way to sex the chicks. I am trying to learn how to vent sex them but am only at about 65% accuracy so I need more practice. I will have some black sex links before long. I just bought some 18 week Barred rocks to make them but I have to wait until they start laying and then it takes 3 weeks for them to hatch. I will be setting some Barred Rock, Ameraucana, gold and silver laced Wyandotes, and some Olive eggs, silkies and more rare breeds as well as quail next week, then it takes 3 weeks to hatch.

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