Chicks and Scottish weather


Jun 22, 2019
Dunoon, Argyll & Bute, Scotland
i have in the past had 4 chickens which I got point of lay. They got put into their coop and I did not once think about rain, wind, snow. They got on with it.

Fast forward to my hand reared babies at 4 weeks in a large brooder box in my spare room. I have been putting them outside every day, and last couple of days it’s been all day and they have been fine. They even free ranged and loved it while I was in the garden with them. When it rained they went in their box or underneath the tarp. But oh my the weather we have now! It’s torrential rain, the whole garden is like a swimming pool. High winds and that’s to be all next week.

What should I do! The thought of putting them outside in that is horrendous. I think the winds will die down but we have so much rain ahead!


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Keep your chickens DRY...... On this side of the pond we have a saying.... MADDER THAN A WET HEN.:gig
In reality,,, your young pullets would get soaked, and possibly affect their health. In the minimum ,,,, they would be miserable:(
Not sure how in your circumstance, but protect them from the wet stuff.
(take them inside :idunno)
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Keep your chickens DRY...... On this side of the pond we have a saying.... MADDER THAN A WET HEN.:gig
In reality,,, your young pullets would get soaked, and possibly affect their health. In the minimum ,,,, they would be miserable:(
Not sure how in your circumstance, but protect them from the wet stuff.
(take them inside :idunno)
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
I’m keeping them inside. I just wondered if I was being too soft!! We’re going to have a rain shelter in the garden plus they can hide under the raised coop but while they are so small and still a bit fluffy. I’ve read everything from keep them inside for weeks to get them outside ASAP. We have no electricity to our coop so outside brooding not an option. Ah well an excuse to be a crazy chicken lady and let them play inside
It’s light rain today and they do hang out in their big coop when they want to but they seem utterly oblivious to the rain today. They are going to survive Scotland after all :thumbsup just found them sheltering Under the ramp. They can and do tap on the kitchen French window is they want to come in. Clever things. They are supervised free ranging until hubby builds bigger enclosure this week but I’m dry in the kitchen watching :yesss:


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They are out all day now. They have a rain shelter which they use but today woohoo they are enjoying sunbathing. We have lovely weather forecast. They hen house is all ready and they hang out in it a lot so it’s all going smoothly


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