chicks and worms


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 5, 2017
hi i have a chick with what i think is sour crop im hopping she did not get it from worms and im wondering if you can get worms from chickens i dont know how she would get worms she just stays in the brooder she is not readt to go out side yet can people get worms from chicks :hmm
Worms don't cause sour crop - sour crop is caused by food getting stuck in the crop and then starting to rot. What symptoms is she having?
she will not move or eat i went to rub her crop(some people on here told me to) and she threw up water on me all she does it sleep and o dont know what to do she has very watery poop has well thanks for your help
thanks so much for your help she is one mouth old her brooder she is in away from the others is a plastic box and a heating pad and a towle over the heating pad no there is no blood in her poopbut it is very watery im just feeding her chick starter and chick grit
How old is she? If she is a few weeks old, lethargic, not eating, and having diarrhea, the problem might be coccidiosis. That can be treated with Corid (amprollium) found at your local feed store. Chicks may have distended crops from eating, and any massage can cause them to vomit which may lead to choking. Is she eating or drinking? I would encourage her to drink water, and electrolytes would be good until you get Corid as soon as possible. Crops can become slow to empty with coccidiosis or other illnesses.
How old is she? If she is a few weeks old, lethargic, not eating, and having diarrhea, the problem might be coccidiosis. That can be treated with Corid (amprollium) found at your local feed store. Chicks may have distended crops from eating, and any massage can cause them to vomit which may lead to choking. Is she eating or drinking? I would encourage her to drink water, and electrolytes would be good until you get Corid as soon as possible. Crops can become slow to empty with coccidiosis or other illnesses.
she is a mouth old and when she was little i fed her med feed but i did change the food to none med chick starter and then i just changed the brand after that so that are not on med feed anymore
I too was thinking possible coccidiosis based on the symptoms, which is why I asked about blood in the poop. You might want to get her started on Corid just in case, it can't hurt.
Corid is a medication used to treat coccidiosis, basically a brand name of amprolium.

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