Chicks are hatching after 12 hours without power - QUESTION and PICS

15 have hatched - 1 more almost out - 5 more pippin -

BUT one of the them is alert and walking around but its neck is all akward and bent to one side. . .and it
rolls backward now and again? ? ?
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21 have HATCHED and 2 more are pippin
This is out of 27 the developed shipped eggs! Amazing! Shew - we prayed that one in! Thank God~

Here are the 15 I moved quickly to their new brooder box!

Copper Marans, Ameraucanas and BLRWs




The little speckly chick is so cute. And the picture with your kids deserves a frame. Adorable!!! Are the chicks hot or cold though? They seem all huddled up in the corner??
Oh, they're precious! Where did you get them and what number did you start with? Congratulations! They're so beautiful I can't stop looking at those pictures!
thanks for sharing.
I had just put them in the brooder - now they are all splayed out all over comfortably.

There was 27 viable - so far 21 hatched with 2 more pippin blows my mind after what happened. . .

I bought them from another BYC member

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