*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

Perfect for a beginner to hatching chicks, like me! Thanks so much! Great photos!
Thank you sooo much for this, I candled for my first time last night
it was amazing to see the things just like in your pictures
. My children loved it.

Thank you again
Thank you for starting this thread! So much valuable information here.

I'd like to jump in if I can and share my experience as a beginner. My buff orp just started laying and I have a chocolate roo, so I thought I'd try incubating for the first time. I candled on day 7 and couldn't see anything. Since I am new and curious to the process, I thought I'd experiment and crack open the eggs to see if they were even fertile. I learned a lesson and that is to wait longer to candle. Turns out they were fertile (I think). Here are the 2 eggs. What do yall think? Were they fertile? I just put 3 more in the incubator and this time will wait longer before dismissing any eggs. Are brown eggs harder to candle? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance :)


If anyone is candling and thinking about tossing eggs, if you are new or don't have a high output flashlight, I always recommend waiting until day 12-14 to toss. (Unless of course something smells.)

I just candled at day 4. I was disappointed to have only 2 good, 5 iffy and 5 no good. However, I WILL wait until day 14 until I absolutely have to discard anything. (or unless something smells) I'm a newbie, so I'm sure I'm experiencing the learning curve. I sure worry about these little eggs, and would like to do everything right! I read A LOT.

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