*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

My, first ever home batored egg has just cracked its shell (just a small ammount) and can hear it cheeping, how long should it be before it hatches? 21 days exactly since I took temp up to 102f

Hi, I am fairly new and dealing with temps in my incubator from 99 in one corner to 102 in another. I just read here you took your temp up to 102....when during the process and why did you do this may I ask????
Hi, I am fairly new and dealing with temps in my incubator from 99 in one corner to 102 in another. I just read here you took your temp up to 102....when during the process and why did you do this may I ask????

Variation of a few degrees depending on height and proximity to edges is normal. That is one reason rotating eggs from edges to center is often a good idea. If you do not have good airflow with a fan, aka a still air incubator, you keep it at about 102.
Really nice pics. Thanks for posting them. Second day I put my 5 wk old peeps out in their day yard while working on their pen. Dawgonit I was so busy I forgot to take pics. I will try to remember tomorrow. The first day they mostly hung out in one corner. Today they ventured all over the 13 x 13 yard. They had a ball as I live in Florida & the weather has been great.
Just a bit worried as I have goose eggs in my bater as well and they are not due to hatch for another 14 days after chickens, what is best advice on humidity as a best of both worlds (chickens (21days) near hatching and geese (35 days) 2 weeks later).
Sorry if a stupid thing to do try and bator both but still new to this, but geese eggs are looking viable (with candling) so do i need to set them in a seperate bator?
Dont know what I was worried about! here comes a gosling...Part one.
Congrats on the baby! Good luck with the rest of the hatch! When the goosies are all out, I'd try to sanitize as best as you can for the rest of the hatch. The... after hatch smells.... can get quite strong after a few days. I got distracted and forgot to clean my bator for a week once... yuck!
I have a question, since you were probably the first thing your chicks saw (like living breathing not other chick thing), are they really tame around you? I've never hatched chicks before except under a hen, so I've always had to tame them myself
I've found chicks that see me first vs were shipped from a hatchery or from a feed store a week old aren't really different. I think the line and how many physical hours you spend with them make the biggest difference. My nicest chickens ever were pretty much all the ones I raised as a kid... when I had hours every day to interact with them. I don't have that kind of time anymore so they are all a bit more skittish. But they are livestock so doesn't matter in my case.

In short, it's how they are raised, not why they saw first.

If anyone is candling and thinking about tossing eggs, if you are new or don't have a high output flashlight, I always recommend waiting until day 12-14 to toss. (Unless of course something smells.)
I second this...I set 10 eggs and then tried to candle on day 5..and saw just a shadow...Nothing else..no veins, just a yolk shadow, and of course I was all in a tizzy, but everyone said just wait just wait..don't give up yet. And today being day 8 I candled again and saw veins in one egg...I'm super super excited...Mine aren't anywhere as pronounced as the pictures...but I'm using a little LED flashlight, and I could still be wrong...but there is a black blob with some stringy things around it...so...pretty sure that one is working. Whenever I cook my eggs they are fertile, so when I saw all my eggs in the bator looking clear I was pretty crestfallen.
Thanks for the pics! I didn't get my candler made until day 14, and was worried about not being able to see a thing!

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