*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

I just watched our first baby hatch...out of Lucky egg 13, which is HER name (lol little boost of positive thinking there!). I am crying
It is just so amazing and I want to hold the little thing so much! I can't wait to get home!

Great job! WE HAVE BABIES!!!!!
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Thanks for all the detailed photos! It's been so long since I hatched anything I couldn't remember what to look for on what day. Now I know! Off to compare my eggs to see if anyone has quit, they were all on schedual at day 7!
Thanks everyone!

The hatch is now complete. Took about 30 hours from the first pip to finish out the hatch. All came out perfect and without issue. They are drinking from a water bottle and have learned to eat!
Congrats on the hatch!!! From one of the many Godparents who have faithfully been following the thread, and learning so much along the way.

But don't forget - you promised us chick pics!!!
I'm in love with every single one of them
Have only named one of them, lol but all will be named by the time I get home. You did great!!!!!! Can't wait to set the second batch and get this all started again

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