*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

I believe it's been added as a sticky in this section too in case you need to find it again. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=261876 It's the last link in the opening of this thread
For now, I'll go ahead and sticky this in the main part of this forum. It is a link within the sticky in this section, but admittedly, it can be a challenge to find.

Thanks for all the nice comments! It was a fun thread to assemble! I'm open to any comments or suggestions on how to make the thread better for the next time. I'll try to put this into a BYC page over x mas break. It's that research crunch time atm!
Thank you, thank you, for the video

I was spellbound enjoyed it , informative, colors really hold one's attention

WAAAAH!!! just read thru' all 9 pages of posts, not peeking ahead [and the pix and videos are fantastic!], only to discover the pictures of the peeps aren't there!
Worse yet, I can't find them! NOR can I find the construction instructions for that great looking 'bator! HELP please~
The photos of the peeps are at the bottom of the first post and you can see the progressive updated ones on my flickr page, link in my signature line (set Hatchlings November 2009). Anyone local want a rooster from the hatch? I have 4....

As far as the bator, you'll have to ask silkiechicken...but I can tell you that it works great! I love not having to monitor the temp or humidity. Just plug it, keep it full and let it go! Right now we are hatching out 5 more eggs (day 21 will be Saturday) and I'm putting 20+ silkie eggs in this weekend before I have to give it back to silkiechicken in January
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Can someone explain please. Have candled & at day 9 what I see starting at the pointed end of 4 out of 7 good eggs is a seperation of egg white still there taking up about a 4th or 5th of the egg, is that a problem; movement seen easily in 2 of these 4 eggs. The egg white part is also at a slant; my eggs are setting at a slant in the rack & turned 3 to 5 x's daily. The other 3 eggs don't show egg white at the pointed end, they are just solid mass. Am using the "dry incubation" method with humidity at around 40-45 degrees, with lowering to 25 or more before adding water & up to the 40's again. What part does the egg white play in the development, is it moisture?

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