Chicks arriving in 2 weeks! (Update: Finally here!)

They are 3 weeks already! Time is flying by!

I knew chicks were imprint-able so from the second I took them out of the box and showed them food I just say "Here chicky chicky" and tap on what ever I want them to look at. Works for about half of them. My Welsummers are not overly friendly but they have no problem snagging goodies out of my hand. Must just be an inherited personality? IDK.

Lucky for me my brooder is big enough for me to sit in so I have been desensitizing them to my whole body moving. I normally sit calmly and talk to them and hold a few everyday. The other day I called my mom and put her on speaker phone and the chicks freaked out for a couple minutes, but recovered when nothing else exciting was happening.

See, here is one of my Partridge Rocks. They are not skittish but they don't like to get involved in any meal worm mobs. They are also much slower to feather out then the rest. (compare her the the chick below)

My 2 Speckled Sussex girls are going to be the in-your-face type chickens. They have to know what I am doing at all times. Silly girls!

Here is a Barred Rock(1 of 3) and come to find out the yellow chick I thought was an extra is actually an EE pullet. I just had to keep her too!
Aw, even in their moldy looking teenage state, your chicks are really cute! My in-your-face chicks are definitely the Marans and the Gold comet. I'll think of something to correlate food + me + some sort of sound = come over here when I call you. Maybe rattling treats in a cup or ringing a bell. The Marans has already learned the "crinkle crinkle" sound of the mealworm bag. I think chickens MAY be smarter than we give them credit for.
oh I love your brooder! I wish I could sit on mine! maybe I can?! are you just sitting on their poo?
I put a thin layer of fresh shavings down then sit in it. I'm usually not too worried about poo on my pants because more often then not I already have goat poo and other surprises on my pants from work.
Because of work, I usually do chicken chores right after work before I even come into the house to clean up for the night.

Aw, even in their moldy looking teenage state, your chicks are really cute! My in-your-face chicks are definitely the Marans and the Gold comet. I'll think of something to correlate food + me + some sort of sound = come over here when I call you. Maybe rattling treats in a cup or ringing a bell. The Marans has already learned the "crinkle crinkle" sound of the mealworm bag. I think chickens MAY be smarter than we give them credit for.

Mine have got the Meal worm bag sound down. They all stop and look up at me if they hear me with it. Cuties! My older hens know if I have anything in my hands when I'm headed to the coop their might be goodies coming.
The peeps are now 3 1/2 weeks old and it's about 50 degrees out today. I'm surprised at how long they can stay outside without seeming the least bit chilly, when I let them out for field trips. I think they are tougher than we give them credit for. Any thoughts about putting them out in their coop/run during the day? My coop is not super far away from my house, so the heat lamp could go out too.
The peeps are now 3 1/2 weeks old and it's about 50 degrees out today. I'm surprised at how long they can stay outside without seeming the least bit chilly, when I let them out for field trips. I think they are tougher than we give them credit for. Any thoughts about putting them out in their coop/run during the day? My coop is not super far away from my house, so the heat lamp could go out too. 

I see no problem with it as long as they have access to their heat. Mine are 4 weeks and I have been opening the barn door when I'm home. They also got updated digs. Regular size feeder and waterer. It's worth noting that they are not wasting any feed! :ya

Also, they have their extended pen now. The chicky jungle gym will be put up later!
Gosh, what a dream setup! Big barn, no squabbling chicks in the next room over when you're trying to sleep, no one kicking their food all over the place! Gosh I'm jealous.
I knoww right? I'm jealous too! My spare bedroom is a MESS with the chicks in there. Its got this really fine white dust all over. Good thing I took the sheets off the bed. I guess I kinda knew?! lol Wish my barn was covered. Its just open and kind of small. No door.
Gosh, what a dream setup! Big barn, no squabbling chicks in the next room over when you're trying to sleep, no one kicking their food all over the place! Gosh I'm jealous.

I knoww right? I'm jealous too! My spare bedroom is a MESS with the chicks in there. Its got this really fine white dust all over. Good thing I took the sheets off the bed. I guess I kinda knew?! lol Wish my barn was covered. Its just open and kind of small. No door.

I don't know how you ladies do it! I was SUPER close to putting my chicks in the spare bedroom because my brooder almost didn't fit next to the Landlords truck. We don't have the keys to move it while they are in AZ for the winter so we would have been SOL. So glad I didn't have to with the 17 I ended up keeping. I was only supposed to keep 10...

One thing I do regret with 17 is I'm sure my chicks are not near as tame as both of yours being in the house.

Trying to decide which boy to keep:

Both of them giving me the Rooster stink eye

My first choice. He looks better but not as outgoing/friendly as the other.

I don't know what to think about his beak... I may try filing it down. But if its genetic I don't want to keep him.

Here is the jungle gym I promised! I think it turned out good. One thing I have to say about this whole experience "I LOVE ZIP TIES!" Best invention EVER!

Here is a cute moment. The older hens wanted to say hi and see what I was doing in the barn. They also got into the chick food and gorged themselves.
Fat pigs!


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