Chicks bed time too late?


5 Years
Aug 19, 2018
The last light goes off at 9.
Even then one chirps like crazy like s/he is scared. I guide them back under the heat plate and close up the open end of the brooder. After about 10-20 seconds all is quiet.
When they are living outside, I would like them to hunker down on their own and do it earlier, 7or 8.
First, is 7-8 too early?
Second, am I screwing that up by leaving the light on so long now and actually hunkering them down in under the heat?
Thanks for any imput.
I leave my light on 24/7 for the first few weeks. My chicks are fine.

Generally when they are outside it slowly gets darker and they get ready before it's completely dark.

Chicks without a mom hen are often afraid of the dark, so some will use a nightlight for a few months.
I leave my light on 24/7 for the first few weeks. My chicks are fine.

Generally when they are outside it slowly gets darker and they get ready before it's completely dark.

Chicks without a mom hen are often afraid of the dark, so some will use a nightlight for a few months.
It's just one, out of 4 chicks that seems to not like the dark. The main light turns off at 7. The red heat light is then one by itself until 9. Then just the heat pad for the night. I just don't want them to get used to be tucked in and late bedtime.
It's just one, out of 4 chicks that seems to not like the dark. The main light turns off at 7. The red heat light is then one by itself until 9. Then just the heat pad for the night. I just don't want them to get used to be tucked in and late bedtime.
Than slowly shut off that light sooner so they aren't shocked by the change. Chickens hate change.
It's just one, out of 4 chicks that seems to not like the dark. The main light turns off at 7. The red heat light is then one by itself until 9. Then just the heat pad for the night. I just don't want them to get used to be tucked in and late bedtime.
They don't need a heat lamp with the plate and unless you have them in a room with no windows/natural light, they don't need the lights on either. Chickens know when to go to bed when it gets dark and wake up when it gets light.

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