chicks breathing makes a clicking noise


In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2024
i’ve seen a few others talking about this but something i havnt seen any discussion on is this scenario. i got day old chicks last tuesday and they’re all active and healthy and learning fast. unfortunately no hens took to them so we’re just keeping them inside with a heat lamp and a little set up. one of them seemed pretty jumpy so i named her nervous nellie. she’s not as jumpy and is very clingy with me now so lots of cuddles with her. i have her laying on my chest right now and she’s asleep and i noticed some of her breaths make a click noise. not all of them and never when she’s awake. but every so often there’s about 5 clicky breaths and then 5 normal breaths. other than that she’s fine and active and eating and drinking fine. just wanted to make sure it’s nothing serious. again it’s only when she’s sleeping and none of the others have this. her breathing doesn’t look forced or painful or anything it’s just little clicks once and awhile. do chickens snore maybe? she’s been quieter than the since i got her too but i just assumed it was because shes pretty shy. i also forgot to mention that i do notice lots of little sneezes. not a bunch in a row which would cause more concern but i just havnt noticed the others sneezing and she does maybe 3 times a day. and she has bigger poops and they’re nastier than the other chicks more runny and sour smelling (she pooped right on my chest it smelled horrible)

Those smelly poops called cecal poop and boy do those reek! All chicks/chickens actually have a cecal poop every third or fourth poop, so they are totally normal.

As for the clicking noise, as long as it's not interfering with her while she's awake, and she can eat, drink, and be merry with the rest of them, I wouldn't worry too much. If it were constant, I'd start suspecting some type of respiratory infection, but they can't turn on and off their symptoms like that.

Good luck with your chicks!!

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