Chicks! Chicks! Chicks!

I have a home made brooder with a wire bottom do you think I can house my ducks and geese with my chicks ???
And can peafowl be in the brooder with chicks???
Today is my first time on BYC! So I already messed up on a post! Could somebody tell me how old my chicks have to be before they can be feed grit!
Our pullets at 4 weeks old. We have 2 of each in the brooder in the basement. They are growing quick. Hope to get them in the chicken tractor soon then in the main coop with our other 6 hens.

Cream Legbar

Red Star

Black Star
We have 9 baby chicks and 1 baby duck living together in a medium sized guinea pig cage (picture is attached) all the chickens and duck appear healthy except for 2 of the chicks and I was wondering if anyone could help me and by looking at the living conditions could you tell me if I am doing anything wrong..
Well I would get a bigger or another pin so they would have more space . If you split them in half put the big ones in one and the small ones in another . Hope they get better !

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