Chicks didn't grow!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 22, 2012
Auburn Georgia
I got 10 different chicks in April-May. 2 Ameraucanas, I got May 5th.they were young. they weren't growing much, they acted very healthy busy active, normal. 1 died after 3 weeks. then the other still acting normal, wasn't growing either, she died after 5 weeks. that was weird. any take on this?
Chickens will pick up anything that catches their eye (well at least mine do). Is it possible that the two that passed could have had access to something harmful?? Also what breed of chickens did you get? Were they from a hatchery or from a local farm?
I was feeding chick starter. Medicated mixed with countryside organics chick starter. Initially I was only feeding the organic, then I was worried after the first died, about. Coccidia. (sorry spelling) so I started mixing the medicated.
Hi Boonfarm, I had 10 chicks all together. It's not like they got into. Anything. They were confined. There were other chicks that died but they acted sick and listless. That's why I started the medicated chick starter. the question is they did not grow for the 5 weeks. Also they never acted sick, the next morning they were shockingly dead. I'd like to add more but the ones I have are quite big. Will they fair well with older chicks?(about 9 weeks old)
If the ones who acted sick had coccidia, then it's likely the others who died, (who didn't act sick) also had it. In my experience, some chickens act sick when they coccidia, and some don't. If they were already dying from coccidia, then they will usually continue to die from it, even after you feed them meds, until they have enough meds in their system to counter the coccidia. But unless you've seen blood in their poop, it's not likely that it is coccidia. Coccida causes them to have VERY bloody poop. It's almost impossible to miss. Coccidia also would cause them to stop growing, I don't think. That being said, I have no idea what it might be. I looked it up and have found nothing. If you were feeding them cracked corn and bread or something crazy like that (don't laugh, I've seen people ask why their chicks weren't growing while they were feeding them those things and then be shocked when they were told they needed to be feeding them chicken food...) it would make sense. I'm afraid I can't be much help to you. :\ Sorry. I hope you figure out what's causing it. I'll look it up some more in a bit.
If the ones who acted sick had coccidia, then it's likely the others who died, (who didn't act sick) also had it. In my experience, some chickens act sick when they coccidia, and some don't. If they were already dying from coccidia, then they will usually continue to die from it, even after you feed them meds, until they have enough meds in their system to counter the coccidia. But unless you've seen blood in their poop, it's not likely that it is coccidia. Coccida causes them to have VERY bloody poop. It's almost impossible to miss. Coccidia also would cause them to stop growing, I don't think. That being said, I have no idea what it might be. I looked it up and have found nothing. If you were feeding them cracked corn and bread or something crazy like that (don't laugh, I've seen people ask why their chicks weren't growing while they were feeding them those things and then be shocked when they were told they needed to be feeding them chicken food...) it would make sense. I'm afraid I can't be much help to you. :\ Sorry. I hope you figure out what's causing it. I'll look it up some more in a bit.

I have fed crack corn and corn meal to my chicks , in mexico it is all they feed their chicks and chickens.
I have never had a problem from it however I also add extra things when they are babies such as I ground the crack corn and ground the chick feed to almost powder the first 2 weeks. After that when they get bigger they go to crack corn and free range. I have recently added laying pellets to my older chickens diet but they still get crack corn and have never died from it.
My dad's grandmother also only fed her chicks/chickens corn, but that was with really good forage. If you keep your chicks in a brooder and don't give them access to forage, generally speaking just corn won't give them the nutrients they need to grow healthily. I've known people who haven't had a problem with it, but in my experience they still grow better with feed specially made with the vitamins and such that they need.
I would say it was cocci. I had a similar problem 2 died in one day and they seemed fine. also some were growing and some were not. I bout corrid and did the 5 day treatment and they are totally diffrent ( and much bigger) chicks. we did have one more die but we could tell she was not doing well and tried forcing the medicated water however she still did not make it.

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