Chicks dying off...advice anyone?

Bird Brain

10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
Hixson, TN
I dont have a clue what is going on. 8 Ameracaunas and 3 banties .Chicks hatched 7/9. Put in brooder with chicks hatched the week before. 1 dead when I woke up this morning. Another weak and dead within 30 min. Another one weak this after noon and dead at 730. One weak in my hand right now. Whats going on? And its ONLY the Ameracaunas. No one else seems to be affected by whatever.
And its gone.
I just walk in to find a weak chick laying on its side gasping. IDK I put some liquid Sulmet in their water. I dont know if it will help, no bloody poop or nothing. I really dont know.
Could it be failure to thrive?

Im sooo sorry!

I had three chicks look great from the farm, got them home, next morning they were lathargic, just laying there. I didnt know what to do.
Later that day they were gone.
Sorry you are losing your chicks, that's miserable.

Details needed. What kind of bedding, food?

What does the poo look like, besides not being bloody?

Is it too hot or cold?
Put in brooder with chicks hatched the week before.

I know it seems like ONLY a week, but could it be the older chicks are smothering them or something else due to age difference? You didn't say how many additional chicks you put them in with.​
from your infor you put newly hatched chicks in together with 1 week old chicks. That may not be a good idea. Especially if the 1 week old chicks were a bigger breed and would be bigger chicks. They may not have had a chance to get food or water. They may have been picked on and intimidated. I do notice that you put sulmet in their water, why? Did you have sugar in their water? It's always a watch and wait thing when combining birds. Even older ones. Even at the young age of 1 week a pecking order would have been established.
Then again it could be none of these. I seperated all the smaller chicks to themselves and later put them all back together when they were older, where they are today.
Well if the size diff would have been it I would have thought the bantums would have been the first to go.

Chick starter-not medicated

Pine bedding

Sulmet because I thought maybe cocidosis.

Poop-what I can see and that hasnt been mushed into bedding-looks normal

Id say there is maybe a dozen left ina BIG tupperware box

Thermometer is broken but light is same distance it always is

Had several batches. Only once lost a chick to being trampled.

All are Ameracaunas hatched from one shipper, and they arent sure whats going on.

IDK Seem normal right now

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