chicks dying while hatching


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
Pembroke Georgia
hi around a month ago my easter egger laid some fertilized eggs in the rafters of the coop they where there a couple weeks before i found them when i did i took them to my agriculture teachers class to be put in an incubater three of them died while hatching the tempeture is set around 90% and the humity in it is around 70% what went wrong?
hi around a month ago my easter egger laid some fertilized eggs in the rafters of the coop they where there a couple weeks before i found them when i did i took them to my agriculture teachers class to be put in an incubater three of them died while hatching the tempeture is set around 90% and the humity in it is around 70% what went wrong?

You mean temperature around 99 degree. Right? If you mean 90 it might have been a little on the cold side.

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