Chicks eyes stuck shut


Jun 19, 2015
Hi- I am hoping someone can provide some info on a problem i am having. I received my baby chicks on Monday they are doing great however some of them now have their eyes stuck shut. I clean them with warm water and they re-open but then more become stuck shut, its hard for me to say if they are the same chicks eyes that are stuck shut or new ones. Also some of the other chicks have started pecking at the chicks eyes that are stuck shut and they have caused some small cuts on one chicks eyelid and I'm wondering if they are causing more of a problem. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem or if there is any ointment i can buy to put on their eyes to help them from getting stuck shut and heal.
Welcome! You can continue to rinse them with warm water, and buy artificial tears ointment, which is OTC at pharmacies, and apply two or three times daily. The issue is why; are they from a certified hatchery? Private person? Sneezing or sick otherwise? How about bedding issues? This shouldn't be happening. Mary
Thanks for responding . No sneezing or sickness otherwise and they seem to be acting fine. They are from mcmurray. I have them on shavings I was wondering if the dust from the shavings. Is causing the problem . Can vetrycin be used to treat?
I'm new to the chicken thing as well, but I'd definitely quarantine any chick that you've noticed with its eyes stuck shut if for no other reason than to prevent other birds pecking at them. No idea what the problem is, but pecking definitely won't fix it.
It also helps to use a red heat lamp rather than white light. MMcM chicks have always been good here, so maybe you do have a bedding problem. Or something. Do you have one or two very aggressive chicks causing problems? Mary
I just got 6 chicks from Meyer on Friday morning and I'm having similar issue. I have one chick that's pecking the others eyes which is causing damage to eye lids, one chick more than others. I've been flushing it good with saline eye wash several times a day and noticed a difference in 24 hours already. I've separated the aggressive chick for now. Unfortunately when one has a wound, I think others notice it and may peck at it also. May have to separate the injured chick until she's healthy. Good luck.

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