Has anyone gotten chicks from Mcmurray hatchery recently? I'm expecting chicks from them Monday and I've noticed some posts about hatchery chicks not being quite up to snuff. Now I'm a bit worried. I chose some of the breeds not just for their production, but because of their unique looks. I ordered salmon favs, mottled houdans, light brahmas, speckled sussex, and some RIRs. Are the hatchery birds way off the mark or are they going to be at least in the right ballpark? I also saw that a lot of the RIR's are actually production reds? I chose McMurray because they're close and have been in business for so long. Has anyone gotten any of these breeds from McMurray? Do you have any pictures of them? I'll be happy with my new chicks whether they look right or not just because I LOVE chickens, but I was hoping to eventually breed some of these. Should I hold off and try to find some better quality for breeding? Maybe I'm just being a nervous nellie because my babies are almost here!