Chicks from TSC


11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
I bought my first bantam chicks from TSC yesterday and it will be my last to buy from them. They require you to buy 6 chicks at a time, which was about 4 more than I wanted. One of the chicks I got died in less than 4 hours of me getting it home. I called today to see if they would replace it or give me a store credit. The guy tried to tell me that the Dept of Agi. would not allow them to do that. I ask him if the Dept of Agi. tells you that you can't take a loss and give 1 chick away. Poor customer service if you ask me. The local feed stores around here would have given me a replacement chick or a store credit no questions ask. I am glad I don't have to depend on TSC for my feed because I will be taking my business somewhere else.
Let me be the first. There is a reason they make you buy six. This is to make sure only serious people buy them. I expect they shelters get full of unwanted chicks and ducks this time of year. Considering some of the stuff I read on here I can understand.

As for a dieing chick? I can't say except there are many laws we don't like or agree with. They should have a policy posted somewhere in the store and unfortunately it's up to us to find out what it is before we buy.

Sorry for your loss

Buying tiny, day old chicks is a roll of the dice, no matter who you buy them from. I do not know what policy any store can offer on fragile chicks, given the variables are enormous and out of their control. They cannot control what happens once they leave the store.

Six chicks also provide company for each other and chickens are social being. They also keep each warm for the trip home.

These aren't high priced, prized dairy cows or AKC registered pups that cost $400 each. Again, buying chicks at TSC or any feed store is a bit chaotic and is what it is. Mis-handled, mis-labeled chicks that TSC doesn't make enough money on to even bother with, EXCEPT that it drives floor traffic and sales of their other products.
Here in TN its the law to sell chicks in a lot of 6 or more. Ducklings are 2 or more! Bantams are so tiny and since they were so young the travel home might have been just too much. Sorry you lost one! My TSC had a sign up saying they were not allowed to replace or refund for lost chicks
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Our local TSC states that they must sell 6, but after the chicks are there a couple of weeks they need to move them out and are much more willing to negotiate. I got two ducks because there were only five left and the new shipment had already arrived. So yes, I bought left over ducks at an outrageous mark down and had a coupon for 10 % my entire purchase that day. I am soo glad that I did. Another lady there and I worked the salesman over and he was happy to get rid of the remaining larger ducklings. She took 3 and I took 2.
I'm sorry that you had a bad experience, but I really don't think TSC wronged you. You didn't HAVE to buy six chicks, you could have walked out without any. If you really didn't want the other four then it's up to you to police your own purchasing decisions. As for the returns/refunds. I'm a single person and I don't give refunds or accept returns either. There is no way to control what happens to living, breathing animals once they leave your hands. Day old chicks require intensive care and some die. It happens. The store would lose their hiney if they let anyone with a dead chick parade back into the store for refunds and exchanges. Too many people lose chicks to their own mistakes.

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