Chicks going to the Coop, waterer question


Free Ranging
May 8, 2017
Eastern Connecticut
So all of these threads recently about chicks going from the brooder to the coop reminded me of a question I'd had...
So we're going to finish building our coop this weekend, and finishing securing the run. After some reading, I think I've decided to get a bucket/chicken nipple watering system, but currently my birds are not using the nipple system. Is it difficult to change that up on them? to go from a regular water system to the nipple system? and how did you teach your birds how to use the nipple system?

Thanks in advance!!!
Not a problem, they'll figure it out quickly. Ours switch back & forth...summer we use a cooler with nipple system, winter we use a conventional galvanized water on a warmer.
When my chicks were 3 weeks of age, I learned about the nipple system and my hubby and I made a bucket waterer. I thought I'd have to transition them to it. Not necessary! The minute they saw those red nipple things, they began pecking at them. Good riddance to changing dirty water, I switched waterers then and there and never looked back. ( Maybe old birds would have more of a learning curve?)....Here are a couple of mine at 6 wks using the vertical nipple waterer. It's inexpensive, and easy to make. Good luck!
I just wanted to add, set the height for the adults and then use stones like the PP or bricks or whatever you have that will stay put for a booster seat under some of the nipples.
Made this nipple waterer for the run. We "trained" a few of the birds by jamming their faces onto the nipple tips. There's a concrete block as a step for the smaller birds. They seem to have figured it out, based on consumption and wet spots on the block.


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