chicks hire local builder to build new coop pics

wing it

10 Years
Aug 13, 2009
long island
well the chicks seeing that there current home was getting a bit small decided the hire a builder to build a new one. Planes were submitted and after much debate a a site and design was chosen. A grand ground braking was hold last saturday. All the chicks, quail, dog, and cats came out on that beautiful day. Four representatives were chosen and with a few scratches building was underway. For two days the builder toiled, cutting, measuring,nailing till finally he could do no more. And so on thusday the chicks moved into there new home. Please note the builder most come back as soon as the chicks make up there minds as to what to do on outside( still squking about that)
looking good ! Can not wait to see the finish and maybe you can show the inside . I love the glass door .
Maybe the chicks should form a committee---you KNOW how quickly they get things done! Maybe a new government design bureau could help, with a rooster being appointed chairman. It could come to a vote in, say, 3 or 4 years?

Beautiful start, by the way. Is it right outside your house, or is that a detached garage or something? If it's right there, that would certainly make caring for the chicks easy!

Keep us updated on the progress.
I love it! It's almost identical to what we built, just different placement of windows. I really like the glass door....hmmm, doors aren't too hard to replace.

We just put 4" siding on ours and painted it too match the barn since it's closer to that then the house. Actually, DH liked the paint job so much that he want to do the same to the house next time. We used Behr exterior enamel paint for the inside too for easy clean-up, but that is a blue/gray since I got 3 gallons of oops paint for $5.00 a gallon.

thank you.Very nice coop you have, great colours. the glass door is a panel from an anderson silding door i had just put some hinges on it and made a frame. Most eveything was recyceled, found or left over from a job

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