Chicks in the coop


9 Years
Jan 29, 2010
I am putting 6 week old chicks in the coop with a heat lamp, if the cold outside the coop is 38 degrees will the heat lamp be enough for them?
Thanks for the quick response, they are still in my dining room and I can't wait to get them out.
Another week and they should be feathered out enough to fend. I'd still put the light on them at night.
I had Freedom rangers outside at 3.5 weeks with one lamp. They were pretty big though.
I now have 20 Penedesencas 12 days old in an unheated brooder house. Was using 2 lamps and went to one yesterday. It was 33 outside and about 50 inside last night and they were fine.
When you move them out, watch them. If they crowd they're too cold. If they scatter from the light, they're warm enough or too warm.
My wife would kill me if chickens spent more than one night indoors.

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