Chicks legs won't stay under them.


13 Years
Feb 8, 2007
Mesa, Arizona
I have 8 chicks out of the incubator for about 2 weeks, and 4 of them are having trouble keeping their legs under them. One or both of the legs are out to the side almost all the time. Is there anything that can be done to help this situation?
They are on mashed chick starter feed and seem to be eating and drinking normally.

Are they on a slippery surface like newspaper? Put down some paper towells that will allow them to get a better grip.

Also, I have seen hobbles made of bandaids or tape that hold the legs together while they gain strangth.


Do a search on "spraddle leg" for more info,
I used tape and my baby had a FIT!! She peeped and jumped around like it was killing her. What do I do then? She pecked the tape off, then I tried a band-aide, pecked that off too. If I dont do something soon, she will not ba able to walk. She is 3 days old.
Any suggestions?
At 2 weeks they shouldn't be having this problem.

The newspaper question is a good one, but really only matters in the first few days.

Try the strapping. It should be easier to fit at this size.

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