Chicks moving inside eggs day 21?


5 Years
Jan 16, 2016
New Jersey
Today is day 21 but 12/15 chicks hatched yesterday and last night. One that was pipped this morning just hatched. I have 2 eggs left that haven't hatched. When candling one pipped internally and one has not. I saw no movement and heard no sounds from either. I'll leave them in the incubator for another 2 days, but should I have seen movement if they were still alive or is it possible they don't move due to lack of space at this point?
I candled both again and no changes so I opened them both. Both fully developed. The one that pipped internally almost finish absorbing the yolk. Membrane was moist in both but no excess moisture. Possibly temperature was off? Anything else that could cause healthy chicks to die after lockdown?
They were shipped. I knew not to expect a lot because they shipped up north in mid February with 3 days transit time. I started with 30, 10 never developed, 5 were early quitters. 15 made it to lockdown, but I've never had quitters this late before and seems strange since everything seemed right. 13 hatched. Most of them came a day early

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