Chicks not adjusting to raising heat lamp


May 20, 2015
Salt Lake City, utah
I'm new to this website,so I'm not sure if there is a thread on this already or not...

I have 9 chicks that are 3.5 weeks old. They are in a large dog kennel lined with cardboard. I have their heat lamp hanging/clamped on the inside of the crate. The first week it was hanging a little lower since they needed the higher temperature, and the second week I raised it up as high as it would go from the inside of the kennel...they were happy and comfortable through this whole time...but now since we started week 3, I had to move the lamp over the top of the crate since there was no more room for me to move it up from the inside .....and they are acting cold? I'm not sure what to do here. Is it imperative that I lower the heat by 5 degrees even if they act cold like they did? They were peeping loudly all night and I felt bad, so I lowered the lamp back to where it was, and now they are happy again....what do I do here? I'm a first time chick owner.
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Don't over analyze this. Adjust the the height of the lamp to the chicks needs. The chicks will "tell" you where the light should be.
Okay thank you! I just wanted to be sure that I am not setting them up for failure when the time comes for them to move outside. I just wasn't sure if they would be too used to the warm heat that they've been requesting :) but moving outside is a few weeks away, I guess a lot can change in that time.

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