Chicks R 10wks today & out of starter feed. What to get??

Well, you can get either layer feed or flock raiser. If you get flock raiser, also offer oyster shell. Pellets seem to be neater/less waste than crumbles. I like to offer an 18+% protein flock raiser, but we have a mixed flock with turkeys and ducks, and not all are layers. We offer them oyster shell.
I just got the dumor chick starter/grower 20% again. Didnt want to switch up the food instantly. Pics show what i purchased. Dumor says this should be good until they start to lay or 17 weeks.


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I just got the dumor chick starter/grower 20% again. Didnt want to switch up the food instantly. Pics show what i purchased. Dumor says this should be good until they start to lay or 17 weeks.
10 weeks old are way to early for Layers feed.
I keep my pullets and hens on a Starter-Grower feed,
I haven't fed a Layers feed in 3 years.
I offer pullets Oyster Shells at 15 weeks old, they have their own coop and pen.
My girls are 8 weeks old today.

Behind the left pullet is a pail of Poultry Grit.
Eighteen weeks old is the earliest you should offer a Layers feed or the first egg. GC

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