chicks start getting geeky! help identify. (pictures)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
i bought 7 straight run bantams and they are starting to feather out. i am wondering if the pullets will get feathers before the roo. is it true that you can tell a pullet from a roo by their tail feathers? i have asked for help identifying them and i think i may have 2 oegb (self blue), 2 light brahma bantams, 1 black star (sexlink), 1 cochin and one yet to be determined. what am i looking for in order to identify their gender?
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You're in good company.
I'm trying to push up my post count so that I can post some pictures to see if my little barred rock is possibly a roo. I heard about the slow-to-feather (on wings is what I heard)... being a possible indicator of being a roo. All of the other peeps we got have almost all of their little wing feathers and this one has little nubs and a few wanna-be feathers trying to grow. So far they're about a cm long. Haha! Poor thing!

I'm interested to hear what folks say as well, though I suspect they might ask for pictures. Goodluck!


Editted for spelling.
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It would be unusual to have a bantam sexlink (not saying that it's not) since sexlinks are usually bred for quick sexing at hatching and egg production. Most hatcheries aren't going to sexlink banties that they are going to sell as straight runs only plus most folks who want egg layers aren't normally going to buy a sexlink that lays small eggs. But, if it is a sexlink, you should be able to sex it based on color.

In some breeds the hens do feather out a bit faster but that can also depend on the particular breeding lines. OEGB roos will get fairly prominent combs fairly early on (I have some that I could tell at 3 weeks were definitely roos).
@ simplybusy, i did learn that the female barred rocks have a round and symmetrical spot on their head where a roo is misshapen. also the pullets legs are darker and the roo's are yellow. that is what i was told and it corresponds with my barred rock pullets. mine were not from a straight run. @akcountrygrrl, i always wondered why the sexlink had that name. i didn't know they were rarely bread as bantams. i guess it is back to the drawing board trying to figure out the breed of this one. i will post some more pictures, they have grown like little weeds in 2 weeks.

chick #1
oegb at 3 weeks. pullet or roo?


chick #2
oegb i think at 3 weeks. pullet or roo?


chick #3
can't for the life of me figure out what she is....any ideas? and is she a pullet or roo?




all black, looks like she may have prominent ears. what breed and gender? 3 weeks
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here are the rest...

another view of chick #4

chick #5 breed and gender??


chick #7 cochin i think..what sex?

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