Chicks Under a Broody - When Do They Need Food & Water?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 2, 2012
One of my hens went broody, so I got some fertile eggs from a friend and stuck them under her. I tried to move her into the grow-out coop, so she could have some privacy, but she was not having that one bit.

She's spent the entire 3 weeks in the big coop. None of the other chickens have really bothered her at all.

As of right now, one chick has hatched, and two or three more have pipped. My plan was to move everyone to the grow-out coop once the others hatch.

But I planned things TERRIBLY, and we're leaving to go out of state in about two hours. We will be back tomorrow night.

So, this is my first time hatching chicks under a mama. Do I have to make sure that there is water and food close enough to the nesting box for the baby chicks to get to it? I think I've heard that chicks don't need anything for 2-3 days after hatching, but I'm not really sure. They are too small to even climb out of the nesting box yet, so I don't know if that would even help.

Will the chicks be OK if I leave them and their mama in the big coop for a couple of days? I'm worried about them not having food and water for a couple of days. Mama can get out to the big water and food dishes, but I don't know if she'd bring any back for the babies.

I am sure they will be OK. They need a 24/7 supply of food and water next to the nesting box. The mother will show them how to eat.Here is a video I found on YouTube:
And the mother will protect them, I have a friend that has 60 chickens and the hens walk around with their little chicks and the big chickens don't bother them at all either.

Hope this helps.
They should be OK until you get back as long as none of the other chickens bother them. It's true they can go 2 or 3 days without food upon hatching, but I would try feeding them as soon as you get back. She will not take food to them. She will go to the food-should be chick starter-and call them to come to the food. You need to make sure there is a way for them to get out of the nest and to the food. She will normally not leave the nest for several days if there are still unhatched eggs. Also need to provide water which the chicks can get to. She will show them how to drink.

I ended up putting a small chick waterer right in the box with them. The sides are high, and I just don't see how the chicks would be able to get out on their own. Luckily, the box is also kind of big. I was able to fit the waterer in the corner, where mama can drink, too. I threw some chick crumbles underneath her, too.

My big concern was their water needs, because it's so hot. I want to move them to the grow out coop, but not while some eggs still have yet to hatch!

Babies should be able to get to the water, and find some crumbs on the ground, so I think they will be fine.

Thanks for the advice!!!
They should be OK until you get back as long as none of the other chickens bother them. It's true they can go 2 or 3 days without food upon hatching, but I would try feeding them as soon as you get back. She will not take food to them. She will go to the food-should be chick starter-and call them to come to the food. You need to make sure there is a way for them to get out of the nest and to the food. She will normally not leave the nest for several days if there are still unhatched eggs. Also need to provide water which the chicks can get to. She will show them how to drink.

(Quote: She will not take food to them.) Exactly, she will teach them to eat, by bringing them to the food. Like your parents taught you how to eat.
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